{October 25, 2007}   New Beginnings……..

So………….here I am in Arizona.Crazy the way things work out.I would have never pictured myself here in a gillion years(not that I would have ever live that long newho.)Things I miss:Friends(the gathering is the place to be),family(I’ll c u in Thanksgiving),familiar places(abc,soj,coffee co),singing in a coffee shop(Tueday nites),being apart of autistic childrens lives(classroom 5 & 6!!!),my home church(my spiritual family) and the list can go on.Talking with friends who understand all the different emotions Im feeling at this moment in time,coming back from a foreign country(India),Leaving home(cali),starting over(arizona)…..going to a new church ,making new friends,living with new people,working at a new job…..All I can say is that I CAN DO ALL THINGS WITH CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH.I will be posting on the ups and downs of this journey called life.Stay tuned for upcoming posts ; )

et cetera